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RKH Cabo Verde [DE]

Sibylle Schellmann, Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes - Cabo Verde - Kapverdische Inseln Sibylle Schellmann, Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes
Cabo Verde - Kapverdische Inseln
Reise Know-How. ISBN 978-3-8317-3836-6. 10. edition 2024.
German travel guide.

Price: 26.90 EUR
Hiking map Santo Antão

Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes - Hiking map Santo Antão 1:40,000 Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes
Hiking map Santo Antão 1:40,000
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-33-1. 4th edition 2024.
Hiking map with 65 selected and classified hiking routes. Paper reinforced with plastic core.

Price: 16.80 EUR
Wanderführer Santo Antão

Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes - Wanderführer Santo Antão (german hiking guide) Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes
Wanderführer Santo Antão (german hiking guide)
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-24-9. 1st edition 2018.
252 pages, The book is currently available only in German

Price: 19.80 EUR
Hiking map São Vicente

Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes - Hiking map São Vicente 1:35,000 with citymap Mindelo 1:7500 Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes
Hiking map São Vicente 1:35,000 with citymap Mindelo 1:7500
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-26-3. 2nd edition 2019.
Reinforced paper.

Price: 14.80 EUR
leisure map Boa Vista

Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes - Hiking and leisure map  Boa Vista 1:50,000 Dr. Pitt Reitmaier, Lucete Fortes
Hiking and leisure map Boa Vista 1:50,000
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-21-8. 1st edition 2017.
Leisure map with hiking suggestions. Reinforced paper.

Price: 10.80 EUR
hiking map Fogo, Brava

Attila Bertalan - Hiking map Fogo, Brava 1:50,000 Attila Bertalan
Hiking map Fogo, Brava 1:50,000
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-27-0. 3rd edition 2019.
With 64 tour suggestions. Access code for GPS data download. Reinforced paper.

Price: 14.80 EUR
Map Cabo Verde

Attila Bertalan - Map República de Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 1 : 150,000 Attila Bertalan
Map República de Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 1 : 150,000
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-25-6. 2nd edition 2019.
Map for travel planning, as road map and for short staying island hoppers. With suggestions for places worth seeing.

Price: 9.80 EUR
Tempo de John [German edition]

Pitt Reitmaier, António Pedro Delgado - Tempo de John - Die Strandung der SS John Schmeltzer in Cabo Verde im Hungerjahr 1947 Pitt Reitmaier, António Pedro Delgado
Tempo de John - Die Strandung der SS John Schmeltzer in Cabo Verde im Hungerjahr 1947
AB Kartenverlag. ISBN 978-3-934262-28-7. 1st edtion 2022.
Historical novel in German. 204 pages.

Price: 21.80 EUR

Pitt Reitmaier, António Pedro Delgado - Tempo de John (PORTUGUESE EDITION !!! ) Pitt Reitmaier, António Pedro Delgado
Tempo de John (PORTUGUESE EDITION !!! )
Editora Lucete Fortes. ISBN 978-989-20-9486-1. 1st edition 2019.
204 pages. A historical novel in Portuguese (also available as a German edition).

Price: 25.00 EUR
German Madeira plant book

Dr. Susanne Lipps, Oliver Breda - Madeira - Was hier alles wächst! (Plant guide in German) Dr. Susanne Lipps, Oliver Breda
Madeira - Was hier alles wächst! (Plant guide in German)
Oliver Breda Verlag. ISBN 978-3-938282-05-2. 8th edition 2020.
German version of the plant guide

Price: 12.80 EUR
Die Eifel: Was hier alles wächst

Susanne Lipps - Die Eifel: Was hier alles wächst Susanne Lipps
Die Eifel: Was hier alles wächst
Oliver Breda Verlag. ISBN 978-3-938282-60-1. german edition.
German plant guide

Price: 14.80 EUR
FREISEIN: Kapverden (german)

Miriam Boettcher - FREISEIN: Kapverden Miriam Boettcher
FREISEIN: Kapverden
Freisein-Verlag. ISBN 9783982550114. 1st edition 2023.
Globetrotter Miriam's travel experiences in Cape Verde with a focus on helping the many street dogs in Mindelo. Paperback (book on demand) Book in German. 268 pages

Price: 20.90 EUR
Sympathiemagazin Kapverden (german)

Oliver Breda, Susanne Lipps - Sympathiemagazin Kapverden (german) Oliver Breda, Susanne Lipps
Sympathiemagazin Kapverden (german)
Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V.. ISBN 978-3-945969-82-3. german edition 2022.
82 pages in German! 21x15 cm.

Price: 4.60 EUR
diaries of Santo Antão (GERMAN EDITION)

Anabela Valente & Jorge Valente - Santo Antão - Inselparadies für Wanderer (diaries of Kapverden - GERMAN EDITION) Anabela Valente & Jorge Valente
Santo Antão - Inselparadies für Wanderer (diaries of Kapverden - GERMAN EDITION)
Edition belavista. ISBN 978-3-86264-713-2. 1st edition 2018.
GERMAN EDITION, 128 pages, 15 x 21 cm. The series diaries of Cape Verde is a mixture of travel blog, regional studies with many photos, but no travel guide with current information.

Price: 16.90 EUR
Das Kapverdenhaus

Ursa Koch - Das Kapverdenhaus Ursa Koch
Das Kapverdenhaus
Albas Literatur. ISBN 978-3-944856-15-5. 1st edition 2015.
german novel

Price: 14.80 EUR
Die Strandgängerin

Ursa Koch - Die Strandgängerin Ursa Koch
Die Strandgängerin
Albas Literatur. ISBN 978-3-944856-12-4. 1st edition 2017.
272 pages, german novel

Price: 14.80 EUR
Im roten Schein des Nibiru

Ursa Koch - Im roten Schein des Nibiru - Eine Erzählung von den Kapverden Ursa Koch
Im roten Schein des Nibiru - Eine Erzählung von den Kapverden
Albas Literatur. ISBN 978-3-9813139-3-2. German edition 2013.
German novella that play on Cape Verde

Price: 12.40 EUR
Das Testament des Herrn Napumoceno

Germano Almeida - Das Testament des Herrn Napumoceno Germano Almeida
Das Testament des Herrn Napumoceno
Unionsverlag. ISBN 9-783-293-20668-7. 1st edition 2014.
German Translation of the capeverdean classic novel.

Price: 10.95 EUR
Kapverden fürs Handgepäck

(Hg.) Hans-Ulrich Stauffer - Kapverden fürs Handgepäck (Hg.) Hans-Ulrich Stauffer
Kapverden fürs Handgepäck
Unionsverlag. ISBN 978-3-293-20754-7. Edition 2016.
Capeverdean literature in german translation.

Price: 13.95 EUR
Geschichte der Kapverdischen Inseln [GERMAN]

Daniel V. Moser-Léchot - Geschichte der Kapverdischen Inseln: Vom 15. Jahrhundert bis heute [history book in German] Daniel V. Moser-Léchot
Geschichte der Kapverdischen Inseln: Vom 15. Jahrhundert bis heute [history book in German]
hep Verlag AG. ISBN 978-3-0355-1922-8. 1st german edition 2021.
This book presents the fascinating history of the Cape Verde archipelago in German for the first time. Readers interested in history can get a comprehensive picture of the country's development here.

Price: 38.00 EUR
DuMont Kapverdische Inseln

Dr. Susanne Lipps, Oliver Breda - DuMont Reisetaschenbuch Kapverdische Inseln (travel guide in german) Dr. Susanne Lipps, Oliver Breda
DuMont Reisetaschenbuch Kapverdische Inseln (travel guide in german)
DuMont Reiseverlag. ISBN 978-3-6160-2044-0. 1. edition 2019.
Only in German

Price: 18.90 EUR
DuMont direkt Madeira

Susanne Lipps - DuMont direkt Reiseführer Madeira Susanne Lipps
DuMont direkt Reiseführer Madeira
DuMont Reiseverlag. ISBN 978-3-616-00001-5. 3rd edition 2022.
Madeira Travel guide in German

Price: 12.95 EUR
Polyglott Kapverdische Inseln

Susanne Lipps-Breda - Polyglott Kapverdische Inseln (german pocket travel guide) Susanne Lipps-Breda
Polyglott Kapverdische Inseln (german pocket travel guide)
Polyglott. ISBN 978-3-84640480-5. 1. german Edition 2019.
German pocket travel guide for the Cape Verde islands. 160 pages

Price: 13.90 EUR
Marco Polo - Kapverdische Inseln

Annette Rieck - Marco Polo - Kapverdische Inseln (german pocket travel guide) Annette Rieck
Marco Polo - Kapverdische Inseln (german pocket travel guide)
MairDuMont GmbH. ISBN 978-3-8297-4996-1. 6th edition 2022.
German pocket travel guide. Includes a good extra folding map 1 : 350.000 and travel atlas

Price: 14.95 EUR
Marco Polo Madeira

Rita Henss - Marco Polo: Madeira, Porto Santo Rita Henss
Marco Polo: Madeira, Porto Santo
MairDumont GmbH. ISBN 978-3-8297-2827-0. 14. edition2016.
German Travel Guide. Remaining stock special offer, only while stocks last!

Price: 8.00 EUR
Marco Polo - Azoren (german)

Sara Lier - Marco Polo - Azoren (german pocket travel guide) Sara Lier
Marco Polo - Azoren (german pocket travel guide)
MairDuMont GmbH. ISBN 9783829718097. 2022.
German pocket travel guide.

Price: 14.95 EUR
Baedeker Madeira (german)

Rita Henss (Überarbeitung) - Baedeker Madeira (german) Rita Henss (Überarbeitung)
Baedeker Madeira (german)
Karl Baedeker Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8297-1827-1. 12. edition 2018.
Travel guide in German

Price: 19.99 EUR
Baedeker SMART Madeira [german]

Christopher Catling, Marc Di Duca, Sara Lier - Baedeker SMART Reiseführer Madeira (german travel guide) Christopher Catling, Marc Di Duca, Sara Lier
Baedeker SMART Reiseführer Madeira (german travel guide)
Karl Baedeker. ISBN 978-3-8297-3334-2. 2nd german edition 2016.
German travel guide for Madeira

Price: 9.80 EUR
map Madeira 1:45,000

world mapping project - World mapping project Madeira 1:45,000 world mapping project
World mapping project Madeira 1:45,000
Reise Know-How. ISBN 978-3-8317-7349-7. 8th edition 2017.
tear-proof and waterproof paper

Price: 9.95 EUR
map Azores 1:70,000

world mapping project - Map World mapping project Azores 1:70,000 world mapping project
Map World mapping project Azores 1:70,000
Reise Know-How. ISBN 978-3-8317-7207-0. 4th edition 2017.
tear-proof and waterproof paper

Price: 8.90 EUR
hiking map Acores 1:50,000

KOMPASS - Hiking map Azoren (Acores) 1:50,000 KOMPASS
Hiking map Azoren (Acores) 1:50,000
KOMPASS Karten GmbH. ISBN 978-3-85026-964-3. Edition 2016.
2 maps in a set, GPS-precise

Price: 10.00 EUR


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The indicated prices are retail prices and include VAT only for delivery within the European Union. The delivery contains an invoice, which is to be paid net within of 14 days. The bank charges for transfers from outside Germany go debited to the buyer. Since the bank charges can be quite high with remittances from outside of the European Union, I accept also cash in EUR or US dollars. The commodity remains until the complete payment property of the sole trader Attila Bertalan.
Commercial customers (Booksellers, retailers and tour operators) receive trade discounts only on articles of the AB Kartenverlag and quantity discounts only on articles of the Goldstadtverlag (please ask for details).
The buyer has the right to cancel the purchase within 30 days after receipt of the commodity and to return the goods. In the case of the cancellation the buyer bears the cost of the return to my address: Attila Bertalan, Bonner Str. 60, 76185 Karlsruhe, Germany. With the changing of the condition of the goods, if they cannot be sold as new anymore (by use or by becoming messy) the right of revocation of the buyer expires. If the buyer makes use of its right to withdraw from the sales contract, then he is obligated to return the goods. The return is to be franked sufficiently and packed safely. The dispatch method can be determined by the buyer. In the case of the revocation under the aforementioned conditions, the buyer will get the full purchase price refunded by bank transfer. The bank account is to be communicated by the buyer.
Attila Bertalan
Bonner Str. 60
76185 Karlsruhe
Tel. (0721) 750 88 56
Fax (0721) 96694951
ab [AT]

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